Why TODAY Matters ☀️

Remember: Everyday is an opportunity.

2 min readMar 23, 2020

Today matters. Oh, it fucking is. Trust me. 🙏

What have you done today that will bring you closer to wealth, health, love and happiness?

Think about it.

The actions you take in the present determines where you will be in the future. 🏋️ It is common sense but for some reason, we listen to this kind of advice, but we don’t execute on them.

So we’re basically bullshitting ourselves.

.. and that’s fine! We’re all humans, we learn, grow and adapt. Remember that success doesn’t happen overnight. 🤹

Today is the most important day ever, there will never be ever another day like today.

Check what date it is right now.

Do it. Check your calendar right now or something.

Let me say it again:

There will never ever be another day like today.

This is important to understand, your today is key to your future successes.

If you make good decisions right now, today, you will be way ahead than every people out there that’s been making bad choices. 😉

Today is special, wake up with the ambition to make the day your bitch.

Okay, not bitch.

But you get my idea.

Go get yours today, I believe in you.

We can do this together! ❤️💛💜✊

