Document, Not Create

(A content creation philosophy that helps create unlimited content in less than 3 minutes!)

3 min readMar 20, 2020

The internet has created such benefits for all of us who are willing to take advantage of it. 🤯

It’s really interesting seeing businesses and entrepreneurs take use of the internet with social media platforms, this includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and more!

But the problem is, how can we get attention from netizens to care about our business or personal brand?

Fun fact: 'Netizen' means people that lives on the internet 🙏

So how can we get attention? It’s through posting CONTENT.

Content is king on the internet, it’s what people consume and make people stay on a certain platform.

So you need to post content, but most of us question: “what content should I post?” or “how many times should I post?”or “quality or quantity?”,

This are ALL valid questions, it shows that you are a person who cares about there brand and wants to improve there content creation skills, and I understand. ❤️

This ONE tip that I’ll give you when creating content for your brand (especially for your personal brand), is:

Document, not create.

This content creation and distribution philosophy is amazing and really just gives you an ease when creating content for the internet. 🙏

Let me show you an example on how this works to create meaningful content:

  1. Document: You pull out your phone, not your dick and you capture what you’re doing 📸 (could be anything, don’t overthink)
  2. Edit: Make finishing touches if required (although you can skip this part honestly)
  3. Distribute: Post it on Instagram or Pornhub. Depends on the platform.

(Me whipping out my phone, not my Dick, and taking a picture of my room)

See how easy that is? It doesn’t take that much time to create meaningful content.

The point I’m trying to get you too understand is to stop overthinking the 'quality' of your content and just start posting and being social.

It’s called 'social' media for a reason..

Be a human, show your heart out there.

Stop acting like a robot because social media is full of people that are authentic (and we all know that people love authenticity) 💯

Here’s what I want you to do right now:

  • Pull out your phone and do a video recording
  • Talk about your thoughts, like what’s happening on your niche, or a life lesson you learned, or doing fun things with your friends.
  • Then just post it, you can edit the content if you want, but really, just post it, who cares. Don’t be scared of judgement, if you get hate then direct them all to me ❤️

Hope you learned something on how to create unlimited meaningful content for the internet. 🤫

Oh, and check out GaryVee’s video about this philosophy to cement this idea on your beautiful mind:


